Mac OS X is integrally secure, but there are some useful steps that you can do to tighten your Mac security.
The firewall protects your Mac against unnecessary incoming acquaintances from the internet. Check to confirm the firewall’s allowed by opening the system preferences and choosing the privacy and security option. Click on the firewall tab and confirm it reads the firewall on, if not then hit the turn on firewall knob. Macs does not possess the outgoing firewall safeguard, as other apps like Zone Alarm on the windows. Outgoing firewalls inform you when the apps shift data and allow you to block them, which can resist hackers from stealing files, for an example, Little snitch gives user-friendly and inexpensive outgoing firewall. This may help you to increase Mac security.
All Macs running ( OS X Mountain Lion) block software which has not been digitally signed, a process that Apple endorses the developer. This hints to the acquainted error message, when you try to install or use unsigned software. This particular app cannot be opened because of unidentified developer.
The system at task here is known as Gatekeeper and that can be controlled through the privacy and security section of the system preferences, choose the general tab & and select from the options beneath allow apps downloaded from. Then turn it off, and click anywhere.
It is a good idea that leaving the Gatekeeper switched on, however, you can avoid its safety when needed, assuming you are sure about the installation or an app package is safe, just hold the Ctrl down, and then click it & choose open. This will spot it as being trusted.
It is still an open debate that whether Mac wants an antivirus, but growing numbers of Mac users feel the deficiency of getting one. You may find many fake antivirus that actually spoils your Mac indeed like MacDefender. But Sophos antivirus for home version offers great protection against viruses for free, it means that this amazing app sits background & swiftly makes you aware about the infection. Alternatively, ClamXav, ClamXav and iAntivirus all provide on demand scanning for the zero cost, meaning you can now run them when you feel it’s essential to confirm for virus infections.