Our new roundup of Mac accessories comprises a couple of decent ones that’ll really enhance your experience of using iMacs. So select your own accessories.
The Bamboo Pad ($79) a wireless touch-pad allows you to navigate on your own iMac using gestures, or you can use a stylus to doodle and write. The Bamboo Pad works wirelessly when you plug in the USB dongle.
We don’t feature Kickstarter projects, but Snowmous, a simpler and easier way to get your Mac’s ports. Just put, and it keeps you away from playing puzzle between the ports and cables. The Snowmous fits nicely on the bottom of your iMac’s body, making ports simpler to use.
The StorEdge a memory card finds a place in your MacBook’s SD card reader-slot to dramatically boost your device’s storage capacity. 64 GB has a price tag of $100, doubling it doubles the amount.
It is a multi-touch trackpad, like the Apple’s own model, but it is made of either walnut or maple. It is being sold only in the Europe and it costs for only €150.
The Pebbles ($60) are a pair of USB powered stereo speakers for Mac. You only need to plug them into the Mac’s USB and go. This system uses some drivers (50mm) and comes in different colors.