Apple on Monday announces a new version of its desktop operating system, Mac OS X 10.10 with the name of Yosemite at its Worldwide Developers Conference. Before announcing the name, Craig Federighi (Apple’s senior VP of Software Engineering department) told humorously all the names that were in their consideration like Weed, Rancho Cucamonga and Oxnard.
Look wise, Apple brings a major overhaul to its desktop operating system. Menubars now look translucent reflecting iOS. There’s a new optional dark mode for those who don’t like its default bright interface. Icons have also been changed to offer a gorgeous flat look.
Apple’s main focus has been on the modern look, though minor changes can also be seen like the enhancement of spotlight search that now behaves more like a search engine. Furthermore, Mail also got improved highlighting a new feature Mail Drop that lets users send and receive files up to 5GB in size through iCloud quickly.
Another feature that grabs attention is ‘Continuity’ allowing users to move easily between the devices. With iOS 8 and Yosemite, users can use a new feature Handoff to switch seamlessly between the devices. Now, users can also make and receive iPhone calls simply sitting on their Macs.
The new version of Apple’s desktop operating system is now available for developers and soon will be made a public release late this year.