On Thursday, Apple released OS X 10.9.3 with minor updates to its desktop operating system. The update combines a high-resolution 4K display support for 15-inch MacBook Pro (late 2013 model) and the new Mac Pro. It also includes other improvements and bug fixes.
The Mac OS X 10.9.3 is now available and can be accessed through Mac App Store. According to Apple, all the Mac users should be updating to the OS X 10.9.3 as it brings them improved compatibility, stability and security of their operating system.
Major highlights of Mac OS X 10.9.3 are:
- Addition of Safari v7.0.3
- Enhanced VPN connections with more reliability using IPsec.
- Improved syncing options between iOS and Mac operating systems through a USB connection.
Apple’s present Thunderbolt Display doesn’t employ 4K resolution, so the support is only valid for 3rd party monitors. The new update took long time for the public release with 9 Pre-release builds to the developers.
The OS X 10.9.3 can be accessed through Mac App Store using the following links: