The Apple might announce the iWatch in its next event, that might come before the end of the 2013. With an October iPad event recently being rumored, we might end up seeing Apple’s Haswell Mac before the end of that year. And the reports suggest that the Apple is testing iPhone 6 with a 6 inch screen.
There are still some holes in Apple’s product lineup that the customers are hoping Apple will cover it. Among them; larger iPhone, an updated Mac, and the iWatch.
All of these devices are likely in works right now but the Apple didn’t use its Sept.10 event to show them off. Instead, that event only concentrated on regular iPhone update and the iOS 7. As important as iPhones are, the Apple’s brand is focused around computers and some innovative products (iWatch) just as much as the phones.
The Apple’s iWatch has been rumored heavily and talked about the devices this year. With the Samsung and some other competitors uncovering their versions of Smart watch, people are wondering when the Apple will start to focus on its own release.
Since the other Smart watches haven’t been welcomed with the open arms by lots of customers, the Apple might have actually postponed iWatch announcement and release. While this has to be confirmed, it’s very possible considering that how market has been moving.
With the October iPad event recently being rumored, we might wind up seeing Haswell MacBook Pros before the end of year.