The HeroicFantsyGame has just announced the debut of the Mac and Linux OS versions with 2D real time strategy~game, the Battle of the Sands a Mac game. Similar to the Dune 2000, game comes with twelve new compaign missions, 13 stand~ alone maps, a campaign and map editor for the production of the user’s won unique situations.
Ø 2D real~time combat similar to which found in the old Dune 2000. Not all the combat circumstances need you to demolish the enemy. In some interesting missions, you must protect yourself a particular amount of time.
Ø Not your moderate RTS: Each mission is designed carefully to be challenging. Don’t estimate to breeze via the game. There are twelve campaign missions & thirteen stand~alone maps.
Ø Large picture engine: rather than a pair of tiles, each map which comes with game uses as the backdrop a decent large picture drawn by a game artist.
Ø User~friendly interface. Tell the PC to begin making tanks and it won’t end till you tell it to. This interface warns you if your upcoming building would cause a power shortage. Single left click to tell a cluster of the units to accumulate and move in the formation to the clicked endpoint. Right click & drag to scroll map simply.
Ø A well~developed artificial intelligence. The enemy factions don’t assault recklessly with the small group of the units. Allied factions organize their attacks and the PC doesn’t cheat.
Ø Watch your computer: You’ve the option to put an eye on Al factions fight each other. Watch the PC build its base, make its army and do joint attacks.
Ø In~game help files. As in the Knights of the Chalice, the in~game aid lets you jump from one topic to next one using hyperlinks. A right click on many controls and buttons opens the help file then you see an appropriate help entry.
Ø Campaign and Map Editor. Use the combined editor to make some new maps and scenarios with ease. Create some new campaigns by simply assembling a number of the stand~alone maps.
Battle of the Sands is now available for Mac OS, windows and Linux.
Battle of the Sands is now accessible for only £7.50.
Click here to know more about the Battle of the sands.