When you are doing in an intensely nested folder (a folder inside a folder inside…), the finder has many options to go back through ladder. But the only one option which a finder can do with great ease while working with files is the Finder’s path bar.
Open a locator window (locator> new locator window) then choose view >display path bar. The finder’s path bar seems at the lowest of all your locator windows. Showing you the comprehensive path in which you are working to the present folder. (A path is collection of subfolders which leads to an exact file or folder.
This is the one way that a finder can get a folder’s path when a locator window is working on the background, but this is the only least possible option that the path bar can provide.
Access the folder in path bar
If your path is too long for its folder to show, Just point – no clicking is necessary – to a shortened name then it expands in a way that you can see or read it.
These techniques of point- and-expand can work on background; no matter you are in app or in another folder. If you want to see contents of the finder’s path bar, click a folder double in the present window. Or, you can open a new folder into a distinct window with the command and double click on its minute in the pat
Drag a folder or file into the Finder’s path Bar to move on
Folder opening and window juggling can be saved by you simply dragging things into the path bar folder.
Drag a folder from path bar to change it
You can operate the folder’s icon in path bar in several of the same conducts you do with folders in the windows.
Drag the folder inside path bar to change it
You can save your time while working with the files in path bar. You can resolve anything inside the path bar simply by moving Febnews folder into Newsletter folder.
Circumnavigate search windows with path bar
The Finder’s Path bar is convenient for every day and every window, but is particularly helpful in locator search window.