On Tuesday, Apple upgraded its iWork suite with more new options for mobile, desktop and Cloud-based versions of Numbers, Pages and Keynote. The iWork overhaul brings a better compatibility with MS Office documents, more new features like Retina Display support on iCloud. It also offers a new way of sharing documents.
The main change we see in ‘’View Only’’ setting which allows the users to share documents without letting others make changes or edits. The new update also improves the compatibility between the latest version of Microsoft Office and Apple iWork.
The recent upgrade also brings new enhancements to iOS devices. There’s a new remote mode to perform presentations easily staying on other devices. Moreover, documents now can be searched through their file names within the iOS versions of Numbers and Pages. Apple updates its iWork suite a few days after the Microsoft released its Office for iPad applications. Perhaps, it could be a pre-planned strategy of the both companies to deliver the best for users.
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